Legal notice

Legal notice

VANTAESHOPFR’s Website Identification

  • The website and brand VANTAESHOPFR ( are I.MUNIR property, hereinafter VANTAESHOPFR, freelancer registered at the commercial register of MEAUX, France, under the SIREN number : 89885374200010
  • By purchasing from VANTAESHOPFR, you are automatically agreeing to the Terms and Conditions as laid out below.

Website description

VANTAESHOPFR offers their clients the possibility to buy different types of accessories designed by VANTAESHOPFR and then produced in limited quantity.

Regarding the products

Most of the products available on VANTAESHOPFR are produced in small quantities and hand-made. When buying products on this website, the client agrees to the fact that some products might show some defects or light scratches (depending on the type of the product chosen by the client). For more details regarding this matter, please refer to the shop’s FAQ.

GO: Global Orders

  • Please note that VANTAESHOPFR is NOT responsible for Global Orders/Group Orders that a customer may join on their own will, once VANTAESHOPFR has sent out the package to the GOM (Group Order Manager) and after they confirm the delivery, VANTAESHOPFR is not responsible for what happens next! If any problems occur, the client will have to figure the solution with their GOM. Thank you for your understanding.

Important notice for UK customers

  • As of July 1st 2021, UK customers are legally required to pay VAT and customs fees incurred at your country's customs offices. This applies to all packages, no matter the value.
  • VANTAESHOPFR will NOT be collecting or remitting VAT. Please be aware that it's very likely that VAT and customs fees will be charged to you when your package reaches the customs in order to claim your package. You may experience package delays (additional 2 weeks or more) and additional processing fees.
  • VANTAESHOPFR will fill the customs declaration properly and accordingly to the total amount of the client's order. VANTAESHOPFR is not responsible for the VAT/customs fees you may have to pay to get your package, or for any other customs/processing fees that may incur based on your country's laws.
  • In case I receive a returned package from customs:
    → a) I can resend your package after you pay for shipping again.
    → b) I can refund your order, minus original shipping cost and a 15% restocking fee.


  • VANTAESHOPFR owns all the images shown on the ‘Products’ pages of the website along with the logo and other imagery of the corporate identity and style guide. Copyright of the images is retained in perpetuity by the artist and they may not be reproduced in any context or media digital or analogue. Any unauthorised reproduction will result in legal proceedings.

Data protection act

  • VANTAESHOPFR commits to not redistribute or sell any of personal data of the client to third-parties without consent from the client except for shipping and postal services in the frame of the delivery of your products.

Applicable legislation

  • These terms and conditions are ruled by french law. By purchasing from VANTAESHOPFR you automatically agree to and accept the above terms and conditions.

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